Director's Message
As the director of Jhansi Catholic Sewa Samaj (JCSS), my frontline concern is to work
towards the development and progress of people to bring rays of hope in their lives. Jhansi
Catholic Sewa Samj’s area of operation is seven districts in Bundelkhand region of Uttar
Pradesh (UP). The region is large and far-flung. It covers a geographical area of around
29,000 sq km. Most districts of Bundelkhand are considered backward and underdeveloped
faced with problems like drinking water, food shortage, deforestation, dacoit-gangs and
corruptions in political and civil administrations.
My task is challenging as this area is infested with diverse problems that affect the lives of
ordinary people. Martin Luther King, Jr. encourages me to carry on amidst the encircling
glooms for he has said: “Never, be afraid to do what’s right, especially if the well-being of a
person or animal is at stake. Society’s punishments are small compared to the wounds we
inflict on our soul when we look the other way.”
Thirty two years ago, the former bishop Frederick D’Souza of happy memory saw to it that
the time is always right to do what is right and founded this NGO. Many directors followed
his inspiration to implement and carry on social actions for humanitarian concerns in many
and varied forms. The present bishop Peter Parapullil is a guiding light to the little steps
every time JCSS takes. The social action programmes of JCSS carry on and on undauntedly
even to the remotest villages with the help of generous funding agencies, committed staff,
volunteers and well-wishers.
I regard my task as a social worker a highly rewarding career that I have received God’s call
to make a difference in the lives of his people. Nonetheless, I do know that it is a challenging
and sometimes a thankless job, but great men and women who have make history in social
work empower me to plunge, never to look back, enable to forge me to look up and lift up the
downtrodden. When struggles of this work cripple my feet, the Lord is there with his staff
and crook. The words of Henry Ford enlighten my soul that the airplane takes off against the
wind, not with it."
Social work is the mirror of the Church and it has to be so in the minds and hearts of every
Christian. Not only my work, but also our work is deeply rooted in the Catholic Social
Teaching. Pope Francis follows it and right now he is the world's greatest social innovator.
As I want to follow him who ardently follows the Lord……., I invite you to join me my
brothers and sisters in this noble task here in the Catholic Diocese of Jhansi.
With grateful hearts and prayerful regards, I remain
Yours sincerely,
Johnson Francis