JCSS believes that unless members of the civil society extent their helping hand and get involved proactively in the process of social development, sustainable transformation will not occur. We encourage and invite volunteers to be an active part of our organization and share the same vision and mission as us – to work for the welfare of the deprived and marginalized people in the rural villages of Bundelkhand specially the children and women. Volunteers are the backbone of every organization – they not only carry the organization’s ideals within them, but also spread the message far and beyond, sensitizing the society towards the cause.
Internship/block Placement
JCSS helps students who are aspiring for internship or block placement during their BSW/ MSW course. JCSS provides an opportunity for the interns to have a rural village experience, village stay and to work with different thematic area according to their specializations.
If you want to join us Click Here...
It’s important to us to be available to our partners, potential grantees, and the public. Please use the following contact information to connect with JCSS Office
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