What We Do

Focused area of interventions

Animation and capacity building programme:

The priority sector of the organization is animation and capacity building of the target people to bring them together to develop a sense of unity and strength through community based organizations. Leadership, motivation, group mechanism, social responsibility and social analysis and micro planning are the some of the tactical issues that JCSS consider for capacity building of the CBO members. Capacity building of the members is very essential for the strategy of organizational development.

Empowerment of Women:

JCSS has been playing a key role for the empowerment of the women in the Bundelkhand region from its commencement. The empowerment of the women includes formation and strengthening of the village level women’s organizations. These organizations give them a platform to organize themselves at the grassroots level and give them place to discuss their problems and difficulties and take right solution and decision. These empowered women are taking part in the Gramsabha/Panchayat meetings; interact with government officials and advocacy for their right and entitlement.

Rights and Entitlements:

Rights and entitlements are the second focus to increase the livelihood opportunities in the target villages. Through establishing village information centre which displays and provides information about the government schemes especially livelihood based which contributes to the social security as well as food security to the target people.

Community/Institution Based Rehabilitation of Persons with Disabilities (PwDs):

Every self-transcended person is affected by the sufferings of others and such people are not only drawn to the suffering but commit themselves to the mitigation of suffering. JCSS goes a step ahead to bring DIVYANG Children to main stream of the society through inclusive education, family counseling awareness camps and giving them skill development and vocational training. What makes life richer is not wealth but kindness and compassion.

Vocational training:

We uphold the spirit of charity, but committed to make people self-reliant. We concretize charity that empowers through different vocational-training programmes. Embroidery, tailoring, beautician, computer, cookery are for girls whereas computer, mechanical works, diesel engine repairing, mobile repairing. Our aim is to free people from the clutches of poverty through skill-development which offers them a sustainable of source of income for a dignified life.

Sustainable Agriculture through Organic farming:

Sustainable agriculture can feed the world without damaging the environment or threatening human health. It is a way of growing food in an ecologically and ethically responsible manner. Sustainable crop production practices can lead to higher yields without expensive and environmentally damaging inputs. JCSS promotes organic farming with small and marginal farmers in villages level the farmers clubs have been formed to manage organic farming. JCSS motivates the farmers to practice organic farming in their places to bring good results.

Community Based Organizations:

The formation and strengthening of the Community Based Organizations are other major focus which ensures the accountability of the local self government and government departments to implement the government developmental programmes properly to fasten to developmental process of the target villages. The organizations also ensure a sense of strength and unity among the community which is very much required for sustainable development.

  • ◎ Animation Programs

  • ◎ Orientation and initiation towards empowerment.

  • ◎ Awareness creation on AIDS, women rights, Dalit rights, legal literacy and Panchayatiraj system.

  • ◎ Leadership Development Programs.

  • ◎ People Led Development process based approach

  • ◎ Formal and Non-formal Education (Non-Formal methods of Education and assistance in formal education of children).

  • ◎ Formation and Strengthening of CBOs and SHGs

  • ◎ Community Health programs.

  • ◎ Food security and food sovereignty Programs.

  • ◎ training - Motor Mechanism, Tailoring, Typing, Computer and so on.

  • ◎ Disaster Management Programs.

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