Community Development Programme
This programme is launched in 2013-2014 and funded by Italian Bishops Conference and is implemented in Manikpur Chitrakoot and Madawara, Lalitpur. The project aims at uplifting the living standards of the people by distributing various plants and crops in order that the people can earn their livelihood through crop cultivation and promoting kitchen gardening so as to help them support themselves. The organisation has formed so many SHGs and Kisan Clubs in the villages with the help of this projects, awareness programmes on their rights, cleanliness, education organic farming etc. is being done in this projects. Health camp is conducted and free medicines are provided to the people who are in need.
Empowering slum/street children and youth through regular schooling and skill development trainin
Goal of the Project: Organized and empower the marginalized communities to take their rightful place in society and to promote and preserve life in all its diversities
Total strength of the children 2165
Balwadi Center:
Balbadi is a non formal education centre for the poor village children where there is no school, the children who are not going to the school and for the drop out. There are 33 Balwadi centres in different villages. This project is running from last 11 years. The project is funded by JCSS and by Kindermissionwerk. Classes are of two hours within two hours 25 minutes of three basic classes are taken such as Hindi, English and Mathematics. That routine work continues from Monday to Friday. And every Saturday sports, cultural, health and hygiene programs are carried out. The above mentioned routine has been made out uniformity for all Balwadi centers. To make the programme effective efforts are being made by all tutors. Regularly area level coordinators are monitoring all Balwadi centers and are keeping tutors active and energetic and at regular intervals. The target group are village children, street children, children those who are drop outs as well as non school going children. The main aim is to help village children to be at par with other children of the society. When the children are able to read and write they are placed in Government Schools according to the age and ability so that they are able to go for higher studies.
Mary's Meal
Mary's meal is launched in the year 2013 in 3 places Manikpur , Pakdilpur, and Jaria. The Mary's Meal is funded by Bread Noida Delhi. The main aim of the project is to feed the poor children and provide better education for the development of the Students.
Strengthening adolescent’s knowledge, health, women’s right and income (Sakhi)
Goal of the Project: To mainstream the rural adolescent girls by the efforts of continuous life skill up gradation, stay in school concept, improved sexual and reproductive health, access to credit and marketable skills
Project Outcome: Project SAKHI will directly touch the lives of 3480 adolescent girls (10 – 24 yrs. of age) and their families in the villages of Gurusari, Jhnasi, Uttar Pradesh.
The project will provide training to the poor adolescent girls to start income generation activities by means of vocational skills.
- 1) Promote adolescent girl leaders and strengthen girls’ forum
- 2) Decrease the number of girls who marry or give birth before the age of 18
- 3) Educating adolescent girls on reproductive and sexual health
- 4) Exposure visits to their vicinity for AGs
- 5) Increasing ‘stay in school concept’
- 6) Sensitization of boys towards gender injustice and violence against girls
- 7) Flexible and innovative training modules & materials for the demonstration of adolescent girls
- 8) Establishment of information and counseling center for adolescent girls
- 9) Upgrading the health status of AGs through “Swasthasakhi” program
- 10) Raising their livelihood options through advance stitching and computer training
- 11) Continuous community mobilization through IEC and BCC training programs.
Sakhi means Strengthening Adolescence Knowledge, Health and Income. Sakhi was started in April 2014-2020. The target group is adolescent girls from 11 to 24 years, it operates in 4 areas. There are different groups in Gudusarai Block. The number of students in the group varies place to place and it is according to the courses. The types of training provided are vocational skills, tailoring, beautician, computer skills, healthy cooking as well as kitchen gardening/ backyard farming. The programmes co-ordinator is Sr. Lovina she takes care of the project in Gudusari.
Liliane Fonds Project:
Liliane Fonds project is an ongoing project of Jhansi Catholic Seva Samaj. Jan Vikas Samiti Varanasi is the Funding agency. The Liliane Fonds project’s main aim is to bring all disabled children in the main stream of the society and to provide them dignified life. At present there are 48 Divyang children at Jhansi Catholic Seva Samaj, among them 32 are mentally challenged, 12 are Hearing impaired and 4 are P.P.R.P.
For the betterment of the Divyang children there are five specific areas whichare given more importance through community based rehabilitation such as:
- a- Education
- b- Health
- c- Social Inclusion
- d- Skill Development and
- e- Economic Empowerment.
At present new concept has been indulged in the society for the betterment of the children such as: Inclusive Education, Inclusive Livelihood, Inclusive WASH (water, sanitation and hygiene), and Early Intervention Disability Inclusive Disaster Risk Reduction. In the family parents play the main role in the field of planning and execution,all the decisions are taken according to the child interest and his behavior.
SAKSHAM (“Sustainable Drought & Climate Change Mitigation & enlargement of participatory possibilities with marginalized Populations)
Project Duration: July 2017 to October 2018
Total targeted families are 2000 House Holds.
Goal of the project- is Economic and Food Security Empowerment and develop a culture of volunteerism of SC., ST and OBC marginalized targeted community so that they can lead a healthy and dignified life by enabling them to participate in development processes and ensuring sustainable livelihood option.
Main objectives of the project are:
Targeted HHs (2000 out of 2400) will adopt sustainable agriculture practices and enhanced livestock management practices thus reduced input cost and increased production by the end of the year.
Targeted Youth (adolescent boys and girls) and women will have SUSTAINABLE LOCALLY AVAILABLE livelihood options for earning and active participation in social/cultural/ sports activities by the end of the Year of the project.
Inclusive & good governance is promoted in 7 Panchayat through active participation of community and CBO members to address concerns of food security and malnourishment for targeted HH in the villages by end of the project.
In all project villages community people have been given training in different fields such as Sustainable agriculture, Livestock management, Different government schemes, youth skill development etc. Community people are very cooperative and they are learning with interest.